Saturday, July 28, 2018


Streamline acrylic on canvas 40" x 30" 
This painting was just in the California State Fair Fine Arts Competition and received an Award of Excellence.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Kathy UV

Kathy UV oil on canvas 14" x 20"

This painting is from 2004.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Sutter Buttes

Sutter Buttes oil on panel 4" x 36"

This painting has been accepted into the Santa Cruz Art League's 88th Annual California Statewide Landscape Show, which is now showing (July 2018). I painted this work using traditional glazing techniques. The panorama format is not particularly good for display in this blog so I'll include a detail.

Sutter Buttes detail
The Sutter Buttes are the world's smallest mountain chain and are the remains of an ancient volcano. They lie in the Central Valley between the Sierra and the coast range but are geologically distinct from either of those and are considered sacred by native Americans.